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21st October 2018

World Mission Sunday

21st October 2018

World Mission Sunday is the one Sunday in the year when the entire global Church comes together in support of mission. And all the donations from these worldwide Masses go entirely to support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor.

World Mission Sunday, usually on the penultimate Sunday in October, is our chance to show love and solidarity to our family in faith overseas. Through our prayers, we support missionaries everywhere in spreading the Good News. And by donating we respond to Christ’s call to feed the hungry and clothe the naked.

14th October 2018

The Dedication of Saint Peter's Cathedral

The Introduction of the Permanent Diaconate 

 - What it means to be a Deacon

The Deacon embodies the truth that all ordained ministry in the Church is to be exercised as a service. Everything a deacon does is to be characterised by this spirit of service.  The model of service is Christ himself (Mk10: 43-45). The vocation of the deacon, then, is first of all to configure himself and his life to Christ the Servant and in doing so to give his life in service of the Church under the direction of the bishop. At the centre of his formation must be the task of forming a 'diaconal heart' so that he becomes a man who loves and serves the people with Christ's love. He is a "servant leader".

On Sunday 14th October at 3pm, the ordination of the Deacons will take place, this will mark a very significant moment in the life of the Diocese

©2021 by Saint Vincent de Paul

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